Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012-A New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

It is 2012, which means that I officially am banned from buying ANY makeup, any skincare, any body products, or hair care.  No exceptions, until I run out of body lotion or face lotion.  This sucks.  Really, it does.  I almost broke this on the 1st.  Yea I almost didn't last a day.  I had a fight with my brother and I was angry and wanted to escape and think about eyeshadow.  But I held strong!

Today I had some extra time, so I went though my 2011 credit card bills and online accounts and totaled my makeup/beauty/hair costs for the year.  Yes, this was necessary.  I needed to show myself that this was unsustainable spending.  I will be honest with you guys it was over $6000.  Which is insane because I'm a student (I did have a part time job which recently ended).  Now, the actual costs may be lower because any CVS purchase I counted as makeup even though I may have gotten a soda and tylenol or something, but most of the time when I went to CVS I probably bought at least one item of makeup or nail polish.

Damn, $6000 on stuff that I smear on my face and it eventually goes down the drain.  I could have gone on an awesome vacation somewhere warm and beautiful.  This is a really crappy feeling.  I am very disappointed in myself, but I know that I will do better.  Hey, it's January 3rd and I haven't bought anything for 3 days!  Small victories I know.

I think the hardest part for me will be limited edition collections because of all the hype.  My new mantra will be "There will be another collection.  There will be another amazing lipstick.  There will be another magical foundation." Another step for me will be unsubscribing from MAC emails, tarte, sephora, philosophy, sigma, cherry culture, etc.

From those who have gone before me, I know that I need to organize my stash and I want to create a Google spreadsheet with everything listed.  Or perhaps using Listmaster on my iPhone, but it's $6.99.  I haven't decided if I want to pay for it or not.  Any thoughts on that?

I know Venessa (sp?) from venessaesquer29 on YouTube is doing a 2012 no buy and I would love to hear from others who are doing this or a project 10 pan, use it up, etc.  I also am following TheRaerae1971 and TeresaNC1 on YouTube.  I can use any support I can get :)


  1. Omigosh you mentioned me!!!! Thanks so much. ....I did not count how much money I spent I think it would make me throw up......LOL..... but I know that it was A LOT....... and to be honest your right if things dont work for me I would just get rid of them so that is a lot of WASTEFUL SPENDING on my part...anyway GOOD JOB AND IM SO PROUD OF YOU xoxo Keep it up

  2. @makeuplover You're welcome! If anyone looks at this I want them to be able to look at your videos and Rachael's and Teresa's for support. I'm proud of you too, you have more courage then I do to make videos and share your life with us. Thanks again!
